10. Fee and commission income and expenses

Accounting policies

The Group recognizes fee and commission income that is not accounted for using the effective interest rate in such a manner so as to reflect the transfer of the goods or services promised to a customer in an amount reflecting the consideration to which – in accordance with the Group’s expectations – it will be entitled in return for the goods or services in accordance with the five stage model for recognizing income referred to in note 5 IFRS 15 “Revenues from contracts with customers”.

Fee and commission income includes one-off amounts charged by the Group for services not related directly to the creation of financial assets, as well as amounts charged by the Group for services performed which are recognized on a straight-line basis. Fee and commission income also includes fees and commissions recognized on a straight-line basis, received on loans and advances granted with an unspecified schedule of future cash flows for which the effective interest rate cannot be determined.

Annual report

Upon concluding a contract for the provision of a performance, the Group assesses whether it will be capable of meeting the obligation to make the performance gradually, or whether it will make the performance at a specific date.

The accounting policies for recognizing commission income on sales of insurance products linked to loans and advances are described in the note 9 “Interest income and expenses”.

Financial information

Net fee and commission income 2018 2017
Loans and insurance 761 710
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 794 803
Cards 530 502
Bank accounts and other 928 954
Total 3 013 2 969

Fee and commission income 2018 2017
Loans and insurance 761 710
lending 636 616
offering insurance products 125 94
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 833 839
servicing of investment funds and OFE (including management fees) 640 590
servicing and selling investment and insurance products 51 73
brokerage activities 142 176
Cards 1 243 1 126
Bank accounts and other 1 205 1 243
servicing bank accounts 836 858
cash transactions 90 98
servicing foreign mass transactions 104 101
sale and distribution of court fee stamps 1 5
customer orders 46 44
fiduciary services 6 6
other 122 131
Total 4 042 3 918

Fee and commission expense 2018 2017
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities (39) (36)
Cards (713) (624)
Bank accounts and other (277) (289)
commission paid to external entities for product sales (55) (61)
cost of construction investment supervision and property valuation (44) (41)
settlement services (31) (29)
fee and commissions for operating services provided by banks (15) (19)
sending short text messages (SMS) (27) (21)
other1 (105) (118)
Total (1 029) (949)

1 Among other things on servicing loans, servicing foreign mass transactions, central settlement of derivative transactions, issue of Euro bonds and canvassing services.

Fee and commission income by segment 2018
Retail segment Corporate
and investment
Transfer centre
and other
Loans and insurance 593 168 761
lending 478 158 636
offering insurance products 115 10 125
Investment funds, pension funds and brokerage activities 719 114 833
servicing of investment funds and OFE (including management fees) 631 9 640
servicing and selling investment and insurance products 51 51
brokerage activities 37 105 142
Cards 1 201 42 1 243
Bank accounts and other 961 244 1 205
servicing bank accounts 752 84 836
cash transactions 61 29 90
servicing foreign mass transactions 61 43 104
sale and distribution of court fee stamps 1 1
customer orders 27 19 46
fiduciary services 6 6
other 60 62 122
Total 3 474 568 4 042

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